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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What To Know About Odor Removal After Storm Flooding

9/10/2020 (Permalink)

Steps In Fixing The Damage After Storm Damage

After a storm in Delray Shores, FL, your business may experience flooding which could lead to mold growth, and the associated odors, as a result. Fortunately, a local storm damage restoration service can help. Here are the steps you may see these professionals take in order to fix the damage and remove any offending odors.

1. Remove the Water

Removing the floodwater from the affected area as this will allow the restoration team to determine what damages have occurred if any sewage loss from the septic system has occurred and if there’s a chase that mold damage may be contributing to any unpleasant odors. During this process special pumped can be used to handle large volumes of water. A squeegee may also be used to pull pooling water out of hard to reach areas. Once the water is gone the damage can be assessed and a cleanup plan prepared.

2. Clean The Area

The next part of the process is to clean the area. During this step, damaged materials will be removed and mold growth will be contained, treated, and expunged. In many cases, special cleaners will be used in order to prevent the growth of bacteria as well.

3. Deodorize and Sanitize

The last step of the process is sanitizing the area and along with this deodorization can be done for any remaining scent. In most cases, special cleaning solutions will be used, although an ozone machine may come in handy if there is still odor in the air. One the space is sanitized repairs can begin. Soon your business space can look “Like it never even happened.”

When removing odors resulting from mold growth, the restoration team working on your business property will start by taking care of the source of the problem. Water and mold damage will be removed and repaired, and the area thoroughly cleaned, before they sanitize and deodorize the space.

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