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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Top 3 Causes of Major Water Damage

3/28/2022 (Permalink)

The Top Three Causes Of Severe Water Damage

Water damage can occur at a commercial building due to problems with the pipes and sewer lines or outdoor flooding. A supply line break calls for pipe burst cleanup, a sewer backup may require cleaning out the line and backups or floods both require disinfection of materials exposed to contaminated water. Learn more about three common causes of water damage at commercial buildings in Highland Beach, FL.

1. A Broken Pipe

When a pipe breaks, hundreds of gallons of water may flow into the interior of a building. The amount of time between the start of a leak, detection and repair determine the severity of water damage. Regardless of the amount of water, clean water from a supply line is Category One water damage. Pipe burst cleanup is the most common cause of large-scale water damage.

2. A Sewer Backup

A blocked sewer line or an overflowing main may cause a backup into the lowest level of a building. Sewer water contains solid waste and is considered Category Three water damage. Cleaning and disinfection is necessary, and a building owner may want to contact a sewer cleanup company to avoid mold or other secondary damage.

3. A Flood Incident

Flooding due to heavy rain that does not drain properly or overflowing bodies of surface water is the third most common cause of major water damage. Flood water is also Category Three damage, as water becomes increasingly contaminated as it travels over surfaces toward a building and remains standing until extraction can take place.

Pipe breaks and sewer backups are the most common causes of large-scale commercial water damage in Highland Beach, FL. Flooding may be less likely, but can also cause major damage to the interior and exterior of a structure. Respond to the cause of damage by arranging for pipe burst cleanup or other mitigation measures followed by a complete restoration.

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